Hublot is no stranger for doing the unorthodox thing, whether it being on the technical side or on the aesthetical side.Mention weird or wonderful materials and perhaps you think of the Hublot Classic Fusion Berluti Replica Watches China, with its leather dials. Now though, Hublot incorporates a rough-and-tough material, not often used for watchmaking: concrete!

In collaboration with New York based graffiti artist Tristan Eaton, Hublot Replica Watches Hot Sale created this Classic Fusion Aerofusion Chronograph Concrete Jungle. Tristan Eaton is known for creating street-art all over the city, in bold and colorful collages. Incorporating everything from toys, pin-up ladies, animals and rural imagery, he creates large works of art throughout the city.

This Italian-designed watch with automatic movement featured a case of cement, where this Hublot Replica Watches China features a bezel of concrete. Although often used to indicate the same, there is a difference between cement and concrete. Cement is a binder, and mixed with gravel or sand to create concrete, so one is an ingredient for the other. Capiche?

A colorful plaque on the backside of the watch depicts the Statue of Liberty, the preverbial guardian of the Hudson bay if you will. The black microblasted ceramic case, 45mm in diameter, houses the Hublot Replica Watches movement, an automatic chronograph movement. This movement is skeletonized and visible under the sapphire dial with printed NYC logo at 12. It indicates the running seconds at 3 and a 30 minute counter at 9.